
Thursday, June 10, 2010


Garlic-Lasan - Thoom

Garlic is a plant that originated in Central Asia. Initially found in the wild, garlic was first used for its medicinal properties and in the preparation of food. It is a common ingredient and one that is readily available in shops, stores and supermarkets.

China is the largest producer of garlic in the world. Other producers include India, South Korea, the United States, the Russian Federation, Egypt, Spain, Argentina, Ukraine, Myanmar, Thailand, North Korea, Brazil, Romania, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Iran, Cuba and Pakistan.

Use of garlic has been recorded in the annals of some of the earliest civilizations including the
Indus Valley civilization and the ancient Egyptian civilization. Garlic also occupies a special position in folklore and it’s believed to repel vampires.

Garlic grows well in places with long cool winters and long hot summers. The plant needs adequate water and sunlight and has to be protected against pests and diseases. The plant has been successfully cultivated in many parts of the world and much like the demand for garlic its supply remains constant.

Garlic is used in the preparation of many Asian dishes and it’s used in many types of soups and curries. Initially used for its flavour, garlic is now used because of its medicinal value and it’s widely accepted that regular intakes will benefit the body.

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