
Sunday, August 1, 2010

weed urdu-26

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

weed urdu-25

weed urdu-24

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Garlic-Lasan - Thoom

Garlic is a plant that originated in Central Asia. Initially found in the wild, garlic was first used for its medicinal properties and in the preparation of food. It is a common ingredient and one that is readily available in shops, stores and supermarkets.

China is the largest producer of garlic in the world. Other producers include India, South Korea, the United States, the Russian Federation, Egypt, Spain, Argentina, Ukraine, Myanmar, Thailand, North Korea, Brazil, Romania, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Iran, Cuba and Pakistan.

Use of garlic has been recorded in the annals of some of the earliest civilizations including the
Indus Valley civilization and the ancient Egyptian civilization. Garlic also occupies a special position in folklore and it’s believed to repel vampires.

Garlic grows well in places with long cool winters and long hot summers. The plant needs adequate water and sunlight and has to be protected against pests and diseases. The plant has been successfully cultivated in many parts of the world and much like the demand for garlic its supply remains constant.

Garlic is used in the preparation of many Asian dishes and it’s used in many types of soups and curries. Initially used for its flavour, garlic is now used because of its medicinal value and it’s widely accepted that regular intakes will benefit the body.



Ginger is the underground stem of a tropical plant that has its origins in South Asia. Ginger is used in the preparation of meals and for its various medicinal properties. It is use in the preparation of many types of native medication and in certain parts of Asia it is often added to tea to enhance its flavour.

China is the largest producer of ginger in the world. China is followed by India, Indonesia, Nigeria, Nepal, Bangladesh, Thailand, Philippines, Cameroon, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Fiji, Costa Rica, Bhutan, Malaysia, the USA, Ethiopia, the Dominican Republic and Jamaica.

Ginger grows best in warm humid climates with rich well drained soil. The ginger plant can be grown both indoors and outdoors but the plant has a preference for sheltered spots.

Ginger is a common product and it’s used in most Asian households on a regular basis, mostly in the preparation of meals. It is also used in the making of traditional sweets and delicacies.

Ginger is readily available in most shops and supermarkets and it's found either in its original form or in powdered form. Ginger in its various forms is used frequently if not daily in many Asian homes and due to its numerous uses the demand for ginger is most always going to be there. It’s a plant well worth cultivating.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

weed urdu-1

Weed list-20

Botanical name & family

English name

Local name

Mentha longifolia (L.) Huds


Tule mint,

wild mint



Vicia hirsuta (L.) Gray


Two seeded vetch

Revari khurd

Oxalis corymbosa DC.

(Syn. O. maritiana) (Oxalidaceae)

Violet wood sorrel


Marsilia minuta L.


Water clover,

Paper wort


Paspalum paspaloides (Michx.) Scribn. (Syn. P. distichum auct. Non. L)

Water couch, Knot grass, joint grass, ditch grass

Naroo ghaas

Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms.(Pontederiaceae)

Water hyacinth,

water orchard


Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.

(Syn. Nelumbium nelumbo L.)


Water lily,

sacred lotus,

Indian lotus



Eclipta prostate L.

(Syn. E.alba Hassk.)


White head,

false daisy,


Daryai booti,



Melilotus alba Medik


White sweet clover

Sufaid senji

Nymphaea nouchali Burm. f.


White water lily

Kammian, Neelofar,

Kutta Kammi

Mukia maderaspatana (L.) Roem.(Cucurbitaceae)

Wild cucurbit


Corchorus tridens L.


Wild jute

Jangli patsan

Avena fatua L.


Wild oat

Jangli jai, Javdri

Carthamus oxyacantha Bieb.


Wild safflower, spiny carthamus

Pohli, Satianasi, Kandiari

Lantana camara L.

(Syn. Camara vulgaris)(Verbenaceae)

Wild sage, tickberry,


Panj phulli, Phulaki


Nicotiana plumbaginfoliaViv.


Wild tobacco

Giddar tambaku

Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal (Solanaceae)

Winter cherry



Festuca cristata L.

{Syn. Rostraria cristata }

{Syn. Koeleria phleoides (VilL.) Pers}(Poaceae)

Winter grass,

foxtail fescue

Domb ghaas,

Ghoin, Dumb

Polypogon monspeliensis (L.) Desf.(Syn. Aloepecurus monspeliensis L.)(Poaceae)

Winter grass,

foxtail fescue,

rabbit foot grass

Dumb ghaas,


Striga lutea Lour.

(Syn. S. asiatica) (Scrophulariaceae)

Witch weed, cane-killing weed

Angari booti, Malli


Panicum glaucum L.

(Syn. Setaria glauca (L.) Beauv) (Poaceae)

Yellow foxtail

Loomar ghaas

Setaria pumila (L.) Beauv.

(Syn. Panicum glaucum L.)


Yellow foxtail,

Bottle grass,

Bristle grass

Zard loomar ghaas, Banara, Banari

Launaea nudicaulis (Forsk.) Muschler. (Compositae)

Yellow spurge

Peeli dodhak,


Melilotus indica L.

(Syn. M. parviflora Desf.)


Yellow sweetclover, Indian sweetclover,

Common sweetclover

Zard senji

Weed list-19

Botanical name & family

English name

Local name

Saponaria vaccaria L.

(Syn. Vaccaria hispanica L.)

Soapwort, perfoliate,


Kala takla,

Sabooni, Takla

Schoenoplectus juncoides Roxb (Syn. J. erectus Poir) (Juncaceae)

Soft rush, pinrush

Bhookal booti

Cleome viscosa L.


Spider flower, sticky cleome, dogmustard



Amaranthus spinosus L.


Spiny amaranth, spiny pigweed, prickly amaranth


Kandiali cholai

Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn.


Spiny milk thistle, blessed milk thistle


Sonchus asper VilL.


Spiny sowthistle

Kandiali dodhak

Solanum xanthocarpum L.

(Syn. Solanum surattense Burm. F.)(Solanaceae)

Spiny weed




Sporobolus helvolus (Trin) D & S(Syn. S. diander (Retz) Beauv. (Poaceae)

Sporobolus, sprangletop

Lamb ghas

Convolvulus pluricaulis Chois

Summer bindweed, Shankhpushpi


Euphorbia helioscopia L.


Sun spurge,

Wart weed,

umbrella milkweed

Chhatri dodhak,


Chattar booti

Coronopus didymus (L.) Smith

{Syn. Senebiera didyma (L.)Pers.} (Cruciferae)

Swine cress

Jangli halon,

Naksari, Gandi booti

Conyza ambigua DC.

(Syn.Conyza bonariensis)


Tall fleabane, hairy fleabane, Argentine fleabane

Loosan booti,


Datura fastuosa L.

(Syn. D. alba Rum ex Nees) (Solanaceae)

Thorn apple, madapple,

jimson weed

Sufaid dhatura

Saccharum bengalense Retz.

(Syn. S. munja Roxb.)(Poaceae)

Tiger grass,



Trigonella monantha C.A. Mayer. (Syn. T. incisa Benth)(Papilionaceae)



Pistia stratiotes L.

(Syn. P. oxidentalis)


Tropical ducksalad,

prickly lettuce,

nile cabbage

Aabi slad,
